Organik Festival 2022 營位、車位預訂Reservation for campsite, parking lot
-內含付款連結網址,完成付款後會收到付款確認 E-mail。
-若有任何問題請加入 Organik Festival Telegram 客服:
-知道更多消息請加入 Organik Festival Telegram 頻道:

- The payment link is included. Payment confirmation E-mail will be sent after completing the payment.
- If you make multiple payments, please ensure using the same name, E-mail, and number.
- If you have any questions, please contact Organik Festival telegram customer service:
- For more information, please join Organik Festival telegram channel:
-The reservation does not equal the festival ticket. Please also book your festival ticket to enter the festival.
- Purchasing tickets:
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兩日停車位 Parking lot for two days NT$ 1,000
-可停時數:2 天 (10/14,13:00 ~ 10/16,23:00)。

-For two days of parking.(10/14,13:00 ~ 10/16,23:00)

-To enter the festival with your vehicle, please show your electronic parking ticket at the entrance to receive a parking permit. We’ll also confirm if you hold a festival ticket. (The electronic parking ticket will be sent to your email address one week before the festival.)
- If you have reservations for multiple parking lots, please distribute the electronic parking tickets to each vehicle owner.
-No private RV is allowed.
-You will also need a reservation when arriving with motorcycles/scooters.
-Parking lots are non-refundable, please be aware before purchasing to avoid subsequent disputes.

停車位預訂付款連結(若車位已售完以連結內顯示為主) Payment link for parking lot reservation (The link will also show if the parking lots are sold out).
以下為可預訂的營位項目 Reservation choices as follows:
-Campsites are non-refundable, please be aware before purchasing to avoid subsequent disputes.
A. 營位-草皮,森林區 Campsite - on grass, forest area NT$ 1,500    
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僅提供 3 x 3 m 草地或森林區,最多可住 4 人,需自備露營一切所需。  Campsite ONLY, 3 x 3 m on grass forest area, up to four people. Please bring your own tent and everything needed.
草地、森林區營位付款連結(若營位已售完以連結內顯示為主)Payment link for campsite on grass forest area NT$1,500 / 3 x 3 m  (The link will also show if the campsites are sold out).
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B. 營位-棧板區 Campsite - pallet area NT$ 3,000
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僅提供 3 x 6 m 棧板營位,最多可搭設兩頂四人帳,最多可住 8 人,需自備露營一切所需。 Campsite ONLY, 3 x 6 m, up to two four-people tents, up to 8 people. Please bring your own tents and everything needed.
棧板區預訂付款連結(若營位已售完以連結內顯示為主) Payment link for Campsite - pallet area NT$ 3,000 (The link will also show if the parking lots are sold out).
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C. 營位-玩家露營區 Campsite - advanced area NT$ 4,000
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提供靜謐獨立露營草地,每組可搭一房一廳六人帳,適合專業露營玩家,需自備露營一切所需。  Quiet and individual campsite for one 6-people bedroom tent and one living room tent. For professional campers. Please bring your own tents and everything needed.
玩家露營預訂付款連結(若車位已售完以連結內顯示為主) Payment link for Campsite - advanced area NT$ 4,000 (The link will also show if the parking lots are sold out).
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D. 附帳篷營位-VIP露營 VIP Campsite, equipped with tent NT$ 10,000
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每組戶外設備:泰雅圖騰帳、木紋桌、露營椅、氣氛燈條、帳內地墊、防潮地墊、睡墊、床包,每帳最多可睡 4 人,需自備睡袋或棉被、枕頭。 Including Atayal-totem tent, table with wood grain, camping chairs, light stripes, indoor mat, damp-proof mat, sleeping mat, fitted sheet. Up to four people. Please bring your own sleeping bag, comforter or pillow.
E. 豪華露營車 Luxurious RV NT$ 12,000
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房內設備:冷暖氣、桌椅、單人/雙人床墊,需自備睡袋或棉被、枕頭。請勿攜帶寵物入房。房內並無獨立衛浴,鄰近設有公用衛浴。 Including: AC, chairs and table, mattresses for one person or two. Please bring your own sleeping bag, comforter or pillow. Please do not bring your pet into the RV. There is no individual bathroom inside the RV. Please use the shared bathroom outside.
豪華露營車預訂付款連結(若車位已售完以連結內顯示為主) Payment link for Campsite - Luxurious RV NT$ 4,000 (The link will also show if the parking lots are sold out).
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