Than-KSTO Giving/Sr. Showcase Sign Up!!!
- Wednesday, Nov. 18th at 8:00pm ONLINE on ZOOM -

This Than-KSTO Giving KSTO will be hosting an extra special showcase that not only celebrates our killer department, students, and friends, but also our 2020 Fall graduating Seniors. Join us for the 2020 Than-KSTO Giving/Sr. Showcase MASHUP!

Sign up below to showcase an act of YOUR CHOICE and share your skills live!  Or if your internet may be a bit wonky, record a video to screen-share from a stronger connection and we can all watch it together!  If you don’t want to sign up, you can always join the audience and cheer on friends. All are welcome!

Than-KSTO Giving Sr. Showcase will be following the KSTO Board Facebook LIVE at 7:00pm!! Tune in then to ask the KSTO Board questions, comment on the semester, share your favorite moments, and join in the JackBox audience!!!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What is your name? *
What is your email? *
Are you a graduating senior? *
Will you be showcasing live or using a pre recorded video?
Are you interested in HOSTING tonight's Showcase? *
What is the name of your showcase?  Please include a brief description! *
For your showcase, do we need to give any "warnings" to the audience. (Ex: Strong language/etc.) *
Anything else we need to know? Quotes? Jokes? Tips?
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