African American Association of Ghana (AAAG) New Membership Application form 
Please complete this application and information form to best of your ability.  Some questions are mandatory and others are optional.  This information will help us gather informative data  that we can use to help make the best decisions for the association.  AAAG will not trade, sell or give your information to any 3rd party for any reason.  Information collected here will only be used for the stated purpose of planning and decision making for AAAG.
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Email *
How did you hear about AAAG?
Batalkan pilihan
If you heard about AAAG and joined because you were prompted or convinced by someone, please provide their full name.
Last name  *
First name  *
Gender *
Mobile phone 1 *
Please list your primary mobile phone number where you use WhatsApp
Mobile phone 2 *
Skip if you only have one number
Mobile phone 3 *
Skip if you only have one number
Date of birth *
Personal email if different than previously listed or if you'd like to include an additional email *
Do You live in Ghana more than 6 months in the year? *
If yes, choose the closet place to where you live in Ghana *
If no, choose the most accurate or closest place to where you live 6 months or more out of the year or where you spend the  *
In which region do you permanently reside in? *
GPS Address *
Choose N/A if this doesn't apply or you choose not to answer
Street Address *
Please list your Street Address or best address description available; or choose N/A if this doesn't apply or you choose not to answer
City, Area or Village *
Choose N/A if this doesn't apply or you choose not to answer
State *
Choose N/A if this doesn't apply
Zip Code *
choose N/A if this doesn't apply or you choose not to answer
Region *
choose N/A if this doesn't apply or you choose not to answer
Year first joined AAAG *
Which committee are you interested in being part of? *
Wajib diisi
Do you have residency in Ghana? *
If yes, please provide your resident address *
Ghana Emergency Contact Name *
Non-Ghana Emergency Contact Name *
Ghana Emergency Contact Relationship *
Non Ghana Emergency Contact Relationship *
Ghana Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Non Ghana Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Ghana Emergency Contact Email *
Non Emergency Contact Email *
Are at least one of your parents Americans of African decent i.e. by virtue of birth (United States America, its territories and possessions) or African-American percentage (one or both parents)? *
Select your category of membership based on the definitions provided. (add the categories and the definitions from the Constitution) *
Wajib diisi
Please make the best choice that reflects your professional industry. *
Please choose which option best describes your current employment status. *
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