PT365 Science class-9 Quiz (10-Feb-2024)
Which was the first country to give 200 crore vaccines to its people?
1 point
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Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee comes under which ministry?
1 point
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[Prelims 1997] Which one of the following is used as an anti-freeze for the automobile engines ?
1 point
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[Prelims 2013] Consider the following:
1. Agaricus 
2. Nostoc 
3. Spirogyra
Which of the above are used as bio-fertilizer?
1 point
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What is a Binary blackhole?
1 point
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What is Tidal disruption event?
1 point
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[Prelims 2023] With reference to the Earth's atmosphere, which one of the following statements is correct?
1 point
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