EDUHSD Career Website Interest Form
We want to create a one stop shop for students to find local businesses who are hiring, have internships available, or community service opportunities. We will use the information provided to create a website for students to easily find this information. Thank you for your time and for serving our students with your expertise!
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Email *
Name of your business or organization *
Contact information to be displayed (How do you want students to contact you? Name and email/phone/etc.) *
What category(s) does your organization fall under?
What opportunities do you offer for high school students? *
What type of time commitment are you looking for from high school students?
What is the job description that we can advertise to students? *
What requirements do the students need to meet to be eligible? (Age, skills, drivers license, etc)
What are the next steps for an interested student? (example: hyperlink to online resume, phone number or email of hiring manager, pdf application we can attach, etc) *
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