Stomp & Shake Cheer Camp

Please complete the form below to participate in the Stomp & Shake Cheer Camp hosted in collaboration with Boys and Girls Club, Charlottesville City Schools, ReadyKids, and Shaniece Be LLC. This summer camp community engagement activity aims to increase youth confidence, discuss mental health, and get youth moving. The camp will take place Tuesday and Thursday starting Tuesday, July 24th and ending Thursday, August 17th. Please note transportation will not be provided. All sessions will be held at the Cherry Avenue Boys and Girls Club. 

 Please feel free to contact ReadyKids Director of Community Engagement Shaniece Bradford at (434)964-6991 or email or Denise Johnson at (804)412-5252 with additional questions. 

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Correo *
Legal Guardian Name
Legal Guardian' preferred contact method?
Preferred phone number:
Preferred email address:
What is the name of the youth participant?
Please list below the name and phone number of your emergency contact?
What school will the youth be attending for the 2023-2024 school year?
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Does the youth identify as a person of color?
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How does your child identify?
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What grade will the youth be entering for the 2023-2024 school year?
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What T-Shirt size does the youth participant wear?
Does the youth participate in extracurricular activities during the school year? 
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What are you hoping the youth participant will take away from the cheer/mental health camp? ( This question is optional.)

Statement of Consent & Waiver 

I hereby agree and declare that I am the legal parent guardian of the above-named child and hereby consent to the child's participation in the activities that are described to me in registration process. I understand that activities of the kind described may result in physical injury to my child but nonetheless specifically request that they be allowed to participate in those activities.

If the above-named child requires any emergency medical treatment or procedures during the activities, I hereby consent to activity supervisor(s) to make any decision and take any action to arrange for such procedures or treatments in the discretion of the activity supervisor(s).  I also consent that I, as the parent/guardian agree to incur the cost of any medical treatment needed if the participant is injured.

I, the parent/guardian, hereby agree and declare that I have carefully read and understand the scope of the summer camp activities and I consent to the participation of the above-named child to these activities.


Any type of injury that may occur to the child without the fault of ReadyKids, Boys and Girls Club, Charlottesville City Schools and Shaniece Be LLC, other program sponsors, or the camp volunteers cannot be held responsible for any harm that may occur to the child without the fault of the camp management and activity supervisors.

By clicking "I consent", you are acknowledging that you agree to the terms listed in this statement.  

Consenting Parent/Guardian's Name
Photo Release: ReadyKids, Boys and Girls Club, Charlottesville City School's and Shaniece Be LLC reserves the right to use photos and videos taken during classes, workshops, and other events used for publicity materials and social media. Registration in classes gives ReadyKids, Boys and Girls Club, permission to use those images without further consent or compensation. By consenting to the following above you are granting permission for photo/video use of the youth participants. 
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