Where are we from... And more
An effort to gather some teacher location data to demonstrate how to use Google Earth.... And because it is cool! I will be able to create a Google Earth "trip" with this.  YOU could do something similar with ANY thing that has geolocations.  Where are your students from? Where were the battles of the Civil War fought?  Where did this character in a book travel to?  Students can make them or you can.  I'd be happy to show you how but lets get our data first to demonstrate.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Name (Last, First) *
I am a *
Home town -  *
(Where you grew up)
First College -  *
Name of College.  Answer 3 times if you need to.  Be specific though - there could be more than one ISU! Location to be mapped.
Second College -
Name of College.  Be specific though - there could be more than one UoU!  This wont be mapped but will display.
Third College?
Name of College.   Be specific though - there could be more than one WSU!  his wont be mapped but will display.
Vacation Spot #1 *
This will be mapped
Vacation Spot #2
This wont be mapped but will display.
I want to retire to *
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