Community Organization - Apple Tree Request
This form is for community organizations or businesses only. If you are an individual wanting fruit trees for your residence, you can request trees here:

Community organizations are eligible to receive a minimum of two and up to 10 gold / red delicious apple trees to plant on your organization's property. Eligible organizations could include schools, daycares, community gardens, nonprofits or businesses with public access, etc. The intent is for the produce to be available to your facility users, staff, general public, etc. 

Form will remain open until all trees are claimed. To receive trees, you must be able to pick up your trees on September 8 between 9:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The distribution event will occur at Pitts Park. Pick up instructions will be sent to those community organizations selected to receive trees. Organizations will be notified by August 25. 

Red delicious trees will get up to 15' tall and 10' wide, and gold delicious trees will get up to 20' tall and 15' wide. Please ensure you have enough space at your site before submitting a request. 

These trees are made possible thanks to the generosity of sponsor Love, Tito's. You can read more about their efforts to improve food security through the Block to Block program online, click here
Name of Business or Organization *
Contact Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Address where Trees will be Planted *
Tell us a little about your organization.  *
How many trees would you like? *
Do you own this property or have property owner permission to plant fruit trees onsite? *
How many people visit your location on a weekly basis? (Staff, general public, students, etc.) *
Please enter your first and last name below as a commitment to maintaining the trees provided to you, and that the produce will be made accessible to community members, staff, etc. You also agree to providing a photo of your trees one year after the distribution event and reporting on their survival. *
Thank you to Love, Tito's for making this distribution event possible!
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