2021-2022 WDT Handbook Parent/Guardian, Member, Coach Agreement
As Coaches of the Warrior Dance Team, we pledge to keep parents informed of problems before they become serious, to treat all members as fairly as possible, to be reasonable in practice expectations, and to always keep in mind that academics and family need to be highly considered within the framework of our expectations.  Mollie Kaufman, Samantha Campbell, Mari Weiss, Savannah Stanaszek
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As a member of the Warrior Dance Team, I acknowledge I have fully read the Warrior Dance Team Handbook & Code of Conduct and understand what is expected of me to remain a member in good standing. I will keep myself knowledgeable and informed of all rules, and realize the consequences of poor behavior or inappropriate actions may be severe. I will do all I can to uphold the honor and traditions of the Warrior Dance Team, and respect my team members, my school, and all persons associated with school spirit at all times. **Please type your full name/signature below. *
I/We, the parent/guardian(s) of the above-named, have read the Warrior Dance Team Handbook & Code of Conduct and understand all the requirements and consequences of improper actions. We understand the coach has final say in my/our daughter remaining on the team. We also realize this is a team effort and that we may be called upon to help in some ways throughout the year which are within capacity to help, and we will make every effort to do our share of assisting on behalf of our daughter. **Please type your full name/signature below. *
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