Zoom Support Check Out
Please complete this form after each SHIFT. Results will be used to inform the project over time. Please do not include personal information about participants. Thank you! 
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Email *
Your name *
Shift date (HST) *
Shift start time (HST) *
First names of facilitators (including you) *
# of HELPERS that dropped in for support *
What role(s) were the HELPERS in (if known; e.g., nurse, teacher, hotel staff) 
What services did YOU provide?
What other needs did the HELPER(S) have?
Where did the HELPER(S) hear about the room? (only if appropriate to ask or offered without prompting)
Why did you volunteer? (only if you haven't responded before)
What did you most enjoy about this experience? (optional)
What else can we do to support you?  Any comments/questions/feedback? 
MAHALO! We are so grateful for your time and support.
If you have any questions or concerns or something not captured in the form, please email mauikokua@gmail.com or dr.dlogan@gmail.com
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