Taiyaari Jeet Ki  Episode - 5
Amar's Classes For English || Mirganj, Begusarai, G.D. College Road, Near Mamta Hotel || Call On : 9570589502
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English VVI MCQS | By Amar Sir
1. Who is called the father of English poetry? *
1 point
2. “The Guilde” was written by_____ *
1 point
3.  Who is known as “ Nightingale of India” *
1 point
4. The period of “Old English” starts from___ *
1 point
5. There are________ of Old English. *
1 point
6. Normans belong to__________ *
1 point
7. Norman Conquest took place in_______ *
1 point
8. The period of “Middle English” starts from_______ *
1 point
9. Who is the writer of "Piers the Plowman" *
1 point
10. From which dialect has  the Modern English developed *
1 point
11. “The Canterbury Tales” was written by___ *
1 point
12. Who is called the "Father of Modern Novel" ? *
1 point
13. In India, English is used as a___language *
1 point
14. Who is considered to be the pioneer of Modern Novel *
1 point
15. Who is called the father of historical novel? *
1 point
16. Who wrote “Emma & Pride and Predudice” ? *
1 point
17. Who is called the "Father of English Drama" ? *
1 point
18. Which is the first Indian Novel? *
1 point
19.  One who writes a drama is called_______ *
1 point
20. The first real comedy drama was_______ *
1 point
21. The Geetanjali was written by__ *
1 point
22. The first English Tragedy “Gorboduc” was written by________ *
1 point
23. English language is______ than Persian *
1 point
24. English we speak today has come from speech of ___tribe. *
1 point
25. Anglo Saxon were_______ people *
1 point
26. The phase of AD 1340 – 1400 is known as *
1 point
27. Who translated Bible into English *
1 point
28. The early literature of Middle English is ___in nature *
1 point
29. How many dialects of Middle English are there? *
1 point
30. Who is not the writer of Middle Age? *
1 point
31. In which period did the "Great Vowel Shift" take place. *
1 point
32. The two major influences on Old English was Latin and_________ *
1 point
33. Which King’s period is called “Golden Period” for English Literature *
1 point
34. "Runic Alphabet" was the main feature of_______ *
1 point
35. Which one of the following is not the dialects of Old English? *
1 point
36. Old English is originally a ____language *
1 point
37. Old English is also known as___ *
1 point
38. “The Guide” is written by________ *
1 point
39. The word “drama” comes from________ *
1 point
40. “Untouchable” and “Collie” were written by *
1 point
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