2022 Plant Sale - Volunteer Feedback
Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the 2022 RCMG Plant Sale.  

Please let us know what you think worked well and any suggestions for improvement and changes that will help make next year’s event even better.  If you want to be part of the Plant Sale Team, we would love to have you join us.
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In what ways did you contribute to the 2022 Plant Sale? (check all that apply) *
Would you like to help organize the 2023 Plant Sale? *
If you answered Yes above, what is your name?
Thinking about your experience with the 2022 Plant Sale, what things do you think worked well? (We should CONTINUE to do them next year.)
Thinking about your experience with the 2022 Plant Sale, what things do you think could have been better? (We should STOP doing them next year.)
Thinking about your experience with the 2022 Plant Sale, what suggestions do you have for future Plant Sales? (We should START doing them next year.)
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