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2025 NW Econorun Volunteer and Donation Sign-up
Consider volunteering to help us keep this event affordable for all who want to attend.
Many hands make light work.
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(to cross reference with registrations)
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Friday June 6th
12:00 to 5:00pm Event Tent set up and Registration staging
5:00pm to 8:00pm Registration intake help
Saturday June 7th
(prefer non-competing vehicle drivers)
8:30am Head to Maryhill to stage show, set up signing, set up and man show table
11:00am Pack up show table and signing and head to WAAAM to stage show, set up signing, set up and man show table.
2:00pm Pack up show table and signing and head to Stonehenge Memorial to stage set up and man show table.
4:00pm Pack up show table and head to host hotel to set up for car show
5:00pm Pick up pizza order, bring to car show and set up for consumption by paid attendees
8:00pm Pick up show area including gathering Econorun signage and securing before folks head to Observatory
Sunday June 8th
9:30am Help set up for Awards ceremony
12 noon help gather, clean up and take down event tent
Donations Welcome
(to help keep costs down)
I have bottled water to donate
I have snacks to donate
I have items to donate for raffle prizes (please specify in the Donation items question below)
Donation Items
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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