Survey to forecast future testing needs
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1. Name *
2. Organization *
3. Contact Number *
4. When do you foresee the testing requirements for Autonomous, connected & fuel cell vehicles *
Next 6-10 Yrs
10 Yrs +
Autonomous Vehicles
Connected Vehicles
Fuel Cell Vehicles
5. Do you require special test tracks for connected, autonomous and xEVs ? *
6. Which components for Fuel Cell Vehicles do you wish to develop & get tested in next 10 years? *
7. Which components are considered for light weighting & indicate their specific test requirements *
8. Which components are considered for light weighting & indicate their specific test requirements (For Testing) *
9. Do you foresee Test facility requirement of high altitude & low temperatures for entire vehicle? *
If Yes, Please Specify
 10. Do you foresee requirement to measure Vehicle Interior Air Quality & emissions in next 10-15 years? *
11. If Yes, tick the pollutants to be measured *
12. Which type of special fuels do you foresee usage in next 5-10 years? *
13. Do you wish to have requirement of corrosion test facility for full vehicle ? *
If yes, please indicate type of vehicle / test object / test standard
14. What type of outdoor test facilities you would like to simulate inside lab ? *
15. Do you foresee requirement for Ingress protection tests for dust, water, foreign particles ? *
If yes, please indicate test component / aggregate & overall dimensions
16. Do you have any special test requirements for testing low rolling resistance tires ? *
If yes, please specify test standard / requirement
17. Do you anticipate special test facilities for fuel efficiency improvement enablers in future ? *
18. What are the different type of acoustic materials / composites you intend to test in next 10-15 years ? *
19. Specify the components you intend to take up for noise reduction in next 10 years ? Indicate Components and Test Information *
20. Specify intended areas for improvement of ride comfort & vibrations isolation in next 10 years ? *
21. Your opinion on preferred vehicle design (Small / Medium / Large) for efficient transportation in future. Please give response with justification *
22. Indicate preferred option between Public & individual transportation in future. Option with mentioning reason *
23. Which Electric Motor type you would like to use in future ( BLDC / PMSM /Switch Reluctance/ any other)? Indicate reason with power & speed range
24. Mention chemistries of batteries you are likely to use in EV / HEVs *
25. What type of battery chargers are likely to be used in future ? *
26. What peripheral technologies are required for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in future ? *
27. Which type of Driver assistance Systems would be required in future? *
28. Do you anticipate paints with longer life and sustainable weathering in future ? Please specify details *
29. Do you foresee any requirement of hub dyno facility for road simulation and calibration? *
If Yes, Please Specify
30. Do you foresee requirement of wind tunnel? *
If Yes, Please Specify
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