Registration Sisterhood in Enschede
Assalamu'alaikom wa rahmatu llahi ta'ala wa barakatuh,

Our purpose is to create a warm and tight-knit group consisting out of muslim women who study or work in Enschede to strengthen our Imaan and bond with Allah SWT. In this way, we can find comfort and strength within each other in sha Allah and also help one another academically!

We are truly happy to welcome you into our group, alhamdulillah. We will see you during our next gathering in sha Allah! For the event details please check our website:  

  • Lunch Sisters Talk: Tuesdays from 12:40-13:30 at Vrijhof 170
  • Seerah Nabawiyyah online: Fridays from 19:00-20:00
  • Coffee Talk and Qur'an reading: Sundays from 13:00-15:00 at Vrijhof 302
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