Gender-Affirming Care Quiz
In order to optimize learning, we developed a quiz which can help you assess your knowledge over time. Thorough answers with explanations will be provided after each quiz attempt. Your name will not be collected if you choose to participate, but you will be asked to list an identifier so that we can track scores over time in order to improve the quiz questions and the training we provide access to.  

Links to recorded videos of a previous gender-affirming care training session will be made available to everyone.

Note: this quiz is supposed to be hard, especially if you have had limited training in gender-affirming care! If you saved answers from previous attempts, please do not use this information in future attempts.

Residents - your names are not being collected, and so your score will not affect your residency standing at all and only gender-affirming care faculty have access to any scores. You will be asked to re-take the quiz and provide feedback prior to graduation so that we can improve our teaching.

Please reserve at least 30 minutes to complete this quiz, but you will need longer to review the in-depth answers/explanations if you plan to do so immediately.
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Do you consent to having your responses tracked in order to provide feedback to the faculty who created this training? Your name will not be linked your score. This project has been determined to be exempt from IRB oversight by the University of Cincinnati, as it was determined to not constitute human subjects research. *
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