Greenwich A Cappella Private Vocal Coaching
We're excited to sing with you!

Part 1: Complete this interest form

Part 2: We will reach out to book your singer’s Private Vocal Coaching lessons (includes $500 deposit)

We have limited Private Vocal Coaching spots, so be sure to save your singer's spot today. Check out what your singer's recording session will look like hereCheck out our past Private Vocal Coaching recordings here

If you have any questions, email
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Program Information
Singer Name *
Singer Grade *
Where are you located? If outside of Greenwich, a $15/lesson travel fee may be included. *
When would you like to begin? Keep in mind that each session is 7 weeks long plus an additional make-up week, if needed *
Please indicate your singer's availability (check all that apply) *
What time is best for your singer? Please include a few times and indicate if times differ by day. *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Singer Address *
Singer Birthday *
Singer School *
Vocal Coaching Package *
ADD-ON: Professional Photoshoot *
Captionless Image
What singing experience does the singer have? *
Please share 2-3 songs the singer really enjoys *
Is there any other information you would like us to know? (i.e, learning style, health, etc.)
How did you learn about Private Vocal Coaching? If from a friend, let us know who so we can thank them! *
Type your initials below to indicate that you have read, understood, and agree to the media permission below: 

At Greenwich A Cappella, your singer is going to be making some great music! To be able to share it, we need your permission - I hereby give permission for images, videos, or audio recordings of my child, captured during the Greenwich A Cappella program to be used solely for the purposes of Greenwich A Cappella promotional material, social media, and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. I understand that I can revoke this permission at any time in writing.
If you'd like us to tag you on Instagram, please add your username below (@)
Type your initials below to indicate that you have read, understood, and agree to the cancellation policy below: 

Once the lesson dates are confirmed and the deposit is paid, should you need to cancel a lesson due to an unexpected event (i.e, illness) with at least 24 hours notice, we will use the make-up lesson date. 

If another unexpected event occurs beyond that make-up lesson, we will do our best to reschedule. If rescheduling is not possible, we can refund $50 (for up to one lesson per session). With less than 24 hours notice, we are unable to reschedule or provide a refund for that lesson.
We're excited to record your singer's next hit! Be sure to check out some of our past Private Vocal Coaching recordings with the link at the top.

Completing this form is Part 1 of your registration. We will reach out to you to confirm lesson dates for your singer. Once the dates are confirmed, we will send an invoice for the deposit ($500). The deposit payment must be submitted within 24 hours to reserve your singer's spot. Please indicate your understanding below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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