01. Details of Submit Assignments -  Partnership and Professionalism
After you submit your assignments to the institute on time you need to fill the following form.  your video presentation should be uploaded to the saiihe eccd YouTube channel. PowerPoint or other documents related to assignment should be uploaded to your profile in your group. your are advised to keep separate copies in your personal folders or locations. but only the videos and documents in official locations are used for evaluation process. Students are called to do live presentation in classroom according to the submission of this form for relevant assignments.
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Email *
Number of the Assignment
Batalkan pilihan
Type of Assignment
Batalkan pilihan
Medium of you Presentation
Batalkan pilihan
Name of the Student/ Name of the Group Members
URL of your Report in your profile at the saiihe folder
URL of your Video Presentation in SAIIHE ECCD You tube Chanel
URL of your power point presentation/ Document in your profile at the saiihe folder
Date of submission of your Assignment
your are called for presentation according to the order of students' submission order of the assignments
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