Ender's Game Chapters 1-2 Quiz #1
Read chapters 1-2 and complete the questions below. Chose the best answer.
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Last and First name to receive credit: *
Who is the author of Ender's Game? *
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How many siblings does Ender have? *
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What is Ender's real name? *
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What did the nurse and doctor remove from Ender's neck? *
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Who did Ender beat up after school? *
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What game did Ender and Peter play? *
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What is Ender's sister's name? *
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What did Peter tell Ender when he thought Ender was sleeping? *
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Ender starts to yell and scream to fight others after having a fight with a student after school? *
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After walking away from the boys at school Ender says "I am just like Peter. Take my monitor away and I am just like Peter." *
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Describe Ender and Peter's relationship so far in the story. *
What are the topics I want you to think about while reading your novel during this unit? *
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