Scientific Fika - Feedback Form 
For the last couple of years, we have been able to sustain these events due to the generous support of both Nordita and OKC. Now, it's time for you to help us support this initiative into the future! Together with your help, we aim to make these events even more appealing and further recognize their value. 

Deadline: December 16th 
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How often do you attend the Scientific Fika?  *
Are you a student or postdoc?
Have you ever given a talk at the Scientific Fika?  *
Compared to other academic seminars, were there any particular benefits from giving a talk at these events?  *
Would you like to keep the Scientific Fika only for students and postdocs, or would you like to have professors also attend the events?  *
Would you like to have more themed events (e.g. the Halloween edition with 4 different short talks)?  *
Would you like to have more open-discussions events (e.g. the ask-each-other-anything event)?  *
Do you mind the terminology "Juniors" that we are currently using in our announcements? If so, please add an alternative below.  *
Describe how the Scientific Fika has been useful/helpful to you. Please, provide concrete examples if possible. 

PS: This feedback will be vital for the further consolidation of these events as part of the scientific calendar at Nordita/OKC. 
How could we improve the Scientific Fikas in general? Do you have any concrete suggestions?  *
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