I want to volunteer at Portals Festival 2024!
Woohoo! Please fill in your details below - I know, it's boring, but this way I can keep everyone's details nicely in one place and I won't forget anyone!

By filling out this form you confirm you are committing to volunteering at Portals Festival 2024 over the weekend of 25th & 26th May 2024.

Typically, you will be assigned a single 6 or 7 hour shift over the course of the weekend. There will always be a chance to go and see bands even when you're on shift. 

You will be provided with a weekend wristband for the festival, and one hot meal per shift worked, provided by our caterer.

- We have two merch spaces, each in different venues so when a band is playing in your venue you may take a break at the discretion of the merch manager.

- If you're assigned as a stage hand, please be aware you are signing up for manual handling tasks which can involve heavy lifting, so please bring appropriate footwear etc. You will be asked to help when bands are loading into or out of the building. This could be for any stage, however when there are no arrivals or departures, you are free to enjoy the festival at the discretion of the stage managers.

- When working as an artist liaison, you may be asked to manage our off-site building. This will only be for short periods of time, but will involve lone working managing access for artists to the green rooms in this facility. When not required to assist artists or help in the green rooms, you may enjoy the festival at the discretion of the artist liaison manager.

If you have any questions please drop me an email to: volunteers@portalsrock.com

Much love, Sam
Team Portals x
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