The Energetics of Business 2024 Mastermind

The Energetics of Business Mastermind is a high level mastermind for leaders who are ready for elevated CEO conversations and business expansion through the lens of the Energetics of Business. You're a visionary with a huge mission, heart, and soul that is ready to truly create your quantum year. At this point things are good in your business, but you're ready to go to exponential and you know only looking through the tactical lens isn't going to get you there. You're ready to scale with a regulated nervous system, a primed subconscious mind, and a community of people that feel like a breath of fresh air. You're ready to be in the room that makes you go, oh shit. I'm ready to dream bigger. It's aligned business strategy meets the Energetics of Business.

Which means, quantum success.

This is a mastermind, not a group coaching program. Which means your magic and collaboration is needed.

You know you're a force and not willing to settle or be a best kept secret any longer.

Let me be 1000% honest with you about the elevation of this mastermind + where we are going in 2024. Cause it's going to be a record rocketship year. 

Please read this: 

This mastermind requires a depth of vulnerability, openness, and truth. If you're not willing to be seen (even if it's edgy) or are going to be in when it's good and out when it's not, this is not for you. I refuse to let you stay stuck in your suffering and I deeply want you to bring your magic forward. This is blending energetics, strategy + inner work together.  I am not here to rescue or save your business, I am here to help you amplify your mission and make sure you are no longer the best kept secret.

My goal is to walk with you in your expansion + be there for you every step of the way and more. The women that come into this mastermind are incredible and my vision is to continue to have a room of those who are paving the path in the industry in 2024.

We will also give you tactical advice for business as well, however, this is not a group program where I'm going to give you a one size fits all strategy. If you're needing that I recommend a group coaching program. All my clients use different strategies. Will we offer you tactical advice + simplified strategy? Absolutely.  Masterminds are different energy - they are energy of elevated conversations and getting you to think + play bigger. 

If the monthly payment is going to stress you out, this is probably also not for you. I want you to invest smart and that doesn't mean that's it's comfortable, edgy? yes, but not going to dysregulate you. 

Program Layout

You have the option to enroll for 6 months or 12 months.

- Each month we will have support inside of what's app with different energetic + strategic intentional topics. These will be our Initiation Conversations that have been curated + will be curated off the needs of the group + the assessments. It's also open support for you to get feedback from the group. We want to intentionally give you feedback to help you grow versus you just asking questions. Sometimes we don't know or can't see what we can't see. This brings more co-creative leadership together + sparking your subconscious to think differently.

(Examples of Energetic Conversations: Leadership initiations, awakening into your truth, financial energetics, CEO Capacity,  Farsightedness, Somatic Stuckness, Power + Projections, Cultivating your Truth)

(Examples of Business Conversations: Team Dynamics, Sales Support, Launch Advisory, Brand + Messaging Development, etc.)

Lily our Brand + Content Strategist Will also be providing direct feedback + tips in what's app for support.

Lauren, our Human Design Expert will provide expert coaching in HD, Gene Keys + Business


Monthly Calls Include: 

- 30 Minute 1:1 Integration Call with Erin

- Monthly Call One: Macro or Micro Group Coaching Call (This means we either go big vision or in the details based on what you're needing)

- Monthly Call Two: Subconscious + Somatic Call (Think more of the inner work, regulating your nervous system as a leader, increasing your capacity to receive + rewiring your subconscious for wealth + expansion)


Outside of the calls we encourage you to connect, collaborate, and expand with each other intentionally to grow your businesses.

Intentional Guest Experts during our Live events or as pop ups throughout the months to support you.

We also have two guest coaches: Lily Nicole + Lauren Armstrong who are our Messaging + Brand Content Strategist and Human Design Experts who will be guiding and supporting in what's app and on the calls.

Become a best-selling author in a collaborative book


EVENT NUMBER ONE: (Included in 6 Months)

VIP + Guest Panel Speaker at the Energetics of Business in March 2025

RETREAT: (Included in 12 Months)
Greece Retreat 
July 29 - August 2, 2024

Investment for January 2024:

6 Month Option

$9999 PIF or 7 monthly of $1571.43

12 Month Option

$18,888 PIF or 13 monthly of $1666.67

You can also break up the payment weekly or bi-weekly as well.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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What’s your magic + unique essence? Why does the world need more of you? *
What’s the inner work / energetics support you’re looking for in this season? *
What do you need support with strategically in your business? (launching, teams, etc.) *
What’s been your revenue this last year?
Which level of support do you desire ? *
Are you: *
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