Downtown Dog Required Forms
IMPORTANT: New registrations must be submitted 72 hours in advance. 
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Pet Parent's Name: *
Pet’s Name: *
My "On File" Contact Information is current and accurate.
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If you answered "No" to the previous question, please update your contact details on the "Contact Information" page that follows this page.
Check In Date: *
Check Out Date: *
Downtown Dog feeds and medicates mornings and evenings.
For accuracy and sanitation, I have pre-bagged my pup’s food.  *
If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how many bags?
I prefer that you feed my pup Downtown Dog’s house food, Natural Balance, at a fee of $1.00 per cup. *
My pup’s medication is labeled with his/her name and required dosage. (if applicable)
Do you want a Deluxe Spa Bath? (bath, conditioner, clean ears, trim nails, bow or bandana) *
Is there anything you’d like us to do to make your pup more comfortable while staying with us?
Emergency Contact for this length of stay:
Name: *
Relationship: *
Phone: *
Email: *
A reminder of the Hold Harmless Agreement which states:

I agree that Downtown Dog is not responsible for any injury or loss of my Pet. 

I understand that I will not hold Downtown Dog responsible for any incident or consequential damages resulting directly or indirectly from any injury or loss of my Pet(s).
Pet Parent's Name *
Note that this is not a legal signature. Please fill in your name below and sign this agreement in person upon drop off of your pet.
Date *
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