Let's Work Together!
Apply now for one-on-one consulting or a mastermind group
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Email Address *
Cell Number
I would be more interested in:
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Where are you in your private practice journey? (check all that apply)
How long have you been in practice?
Current average monthly practice income?
What is your goal income; where would you like to be?
What is unique about your practice or niche?
Why are you interested in consulting or mastermind group?
What would you like the most help with? What are your goals for consulting?
What do you see as the current barriers for you in reaching your goals? (be honest)
If you are not currently in private practice full time, tell me about your day job:
What are your business goals?
Who referred you to me and how did you learn about The Practice of Therapy?
What questions do YOU have?
Would you like to schedule a 15 min. discovery call with Gordon to see if what might be the best options for you and your needs? 
I understand that being involved in consulting or the collaborative requires a financial commitment.  I understand too that by applying, does not guarantee enrollment.  If accepted you will receive a separate email and links to enroll. *
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