Gong Yoga Vacation 2021 & 2022
Our retreat location is near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (airport code PVR), nestled near the jungle and on the shores of a pristine sandy beach.

The rooms and yoga spaces are lovely and the water is warm all year round!
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Potential Dates for 2021
To help us plan for the best possible experience for you, please let us know if you are interested in these available dates.
Week of October 16-23:
Batalkan pilihan
Week of November 20-27 (Thanksgiving):
Batalkan pilihan
Week of December 11-18:
Batalkan pilihan
When attending a yoga vacation, my room preference is:
Batalkan pilihan
In addition, here are the best months for me to attend a yoga and gong vacation retreat:
Please indicate the places that you would *realistically* travel to for a gong yoga vacation:
What are the most important features for your vacation? Pick three!
What programming/activities do you prefer? Pick up to four!
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
Finally, please give us your contact email if you want to be notified as soon as possible about all upcoming Yoga and Gong vacations:
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