2022 Rattlers Season Survey

Thank you for all your continued support over our first four seasons. Let’s continue to grow Rattlers basketball together across our great province!

*When you successfully complete the survey you are automatically entered into a draw for a Saskatchewan Rattlers Jersey. Winner will be contacted on September 2nd 2022

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name / Last Name *
Phone Number *
How would you rate the following? *
1 = Poor   5 = Excellent
2022 Season Overall
Schedule / Timing
Ticket Pricing
Venue Location
Accessibility / Transit
Box Office
Office Staff
Venue Staff
Marketing / Social Media
Check off where you have heard or seen Advertisements for the Rattlers during the season. *
What platform do you primarily use? *
With regards to scheduling - what would you consider to be the best time of the day to have our tip-offs in Saskatchewan? *
In May, what days of the week would you prefer to see our games? *
In June, what days of the week would you prefer to see our games? *
In July, what days of the week would you prefer to see our games? *
In August, what days of the week would you prefer to see our games? *
What theme games would you like to see in the future seasons? *
How would you rate our Entertainment this season? *
1 = Poor   5 = Excellent
In Game Host
Venom Dance Team
PA Announcer
Half-Time Show Presentations
Mascot (Ssswish)
In Game Activations
What was your favourite entertainment this season? (ie. Charly Hustle, band, Dance Team, Ssswish, etc.) *
What was your least favourite thing that happened during our games this season? Why? *
What would you like to see change in the future? Why? *
What Rattlers events would you like to see during the off-season? (ie: Golf Tournament, Networking Event, President hosted Dinner, Youth Basketball Clinic, etc). *
Do you have any suggestions or comments that you feel would help improve the experience for fans of the Rattlers?
Thank you for being an important part of the Rattlers Republic!
Looking forward to seeing you in the SnakePit in 2023!
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