KleverChain Validator Phase Two Feedback
This form is used to collect information from validators that are participating in the KleverChain TestNet. This form is for Phase 2 related information.

Ensure you have completed the enrollment form
-> https://forms.gle/ywgv5uVJmcLuMABP7

Ensure you have completed the Phase 1 form
-> https://forms.gle/XJjff9SWxiAxEshJ7

Ensure to join our discord server and follow klever-testnet channel

Ensure to follow the progress of the KleverChain TestNet on our dedicated website for Validators
-> https://klever.finance/klever-blockchain-validators-program/

In order to complete this form ensure you have completed Phase 2 tasks on our dedicated website for Validators. This allows us to understand how ready you are as a validator and to share with our community as we get closer to MainNet

Please pay attention to judging criteria on the dedicated website for Validators.
Adresse e-mail *
Provide a link for your 400-6000 word article demonstrating knowledge of Klever technology and about the Klever ecosystem, offerings, products and how it all fits together.
Provide a link to your tweet of the above post with @klever_io tagged in the tweet
Provide a second wallet that you can use to test delegations in phase 3. Recommend to keep it separate from your validator wallet
Image sans légende
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