2023-24 NAIS HK PTA Parent Volunteer Sign Up Form 

Please read the following before completing the form:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form - this is a PTA volunteer sign-up - you will be contacted by a EXCO member at a later date to discuss in what capacity you can support us. Every little helps and we really appreciate you volunteering your time and/or expertise!

  2. In the event of any dispute regarding this form, the decision of the current PTA Committee shall be final. Please refer to the PTA's Articles of Association (available on Firefly) for information on the PTA's corporate governance procedures.

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Email *
All titles in GREEN are available for volunteers in this form. If you would like to nominate yourself for an EXCO role in BLUE then please fill out the EXCO NOMINATION FORM
Parent Full Name (First name, Last Name): *
Mobile Number
Name and Class for all Children:
(Please tick all if you have more than one child):
I would like to volunteer for an EXCO assistant role
(Please also see  the next question for more volunteering opportunities)
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I would like to volunteer for committee support or support the PTA in an area of expertise (please fill "other ideas" box below)

Is there anything else you would like to mention? Any areas you particularly like or are an expert in?! You can lend us as little or as much time as you have!

Thank you for submitting the nomination form. We will get back to you shortly. Meanwhile if you have any questions feel free to reach us at ptanaishk@gmail.com

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