Tiny Steps & Nursery Enquiry
Please complete the following form if you would like to enquire about a place in Tiny Steps (2 year old) or Nursery (3/4 year old).

Our Nursery (3/4 year olds) is full for the 2023/2024 academic year, however, should a place become available a member of the Early Years Team will get in touch.

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Email *
Please Select One Of The Following *
Please select the days you would like your child to attend.

Tiny Steps (2 year old) children can attend a mix of days.

15 hours funded children are to attend Monday-Wednesday or Wednesday to Friday (unless you wish to top up, subject to availability)

30 hours funded children are expected to attend the full week (unless approval has been given by the school).
If you have selected Esk (Nursery) please choose the session you wish to attend
Child's Name *
Child DOB *
Address *
Name of Parent *
Telephone Number *
Will you use funding for childcare
If you are unsure, you can check using the following link 

What funding are you in receipt of?
To check your eligibility for 30 hours funding and for further information, please use the link below:


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