Community Cat Dog Adoption Application
To be considered for adoption you must:

-- Be at least 21 years of age
-- Provide government issued photo ID
-- Have the consent of all adults living in the household
-- Understand that Community Cat has the right to accept or deny any application
-- Have all pets in the home up-to-date on rabies and distemper vaccinations and fixed

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Email *
Confirm email address: *
Full Name *
Street address (include apartment number): *
City: *
State: *
Zip code: *
Date of birth *
Phone (day): *
Phone (evening): *
Residence - check one: *
Owner of residence: *
Phone number and email address of owner or management company: *
Is there anyone you would like to designate as another contact? If so, please list name, address/email, and phone: *
What kind of dog are you looking for? *
Are there any particular dogs you've seen that you would like to meet? If so, what are their names? *
How many hours a day will the dog be left alone? *
Where will the dog sleep at night? *
What sort of training do you plan on providing the dog? *
 What situation might make you need to give up your pet? *
Full name of each adult in the home (including yourself), relationship to you, occupation: *
Name of each child in the home and age: *
Please provide a list of all animals currently living with you (include name, age, when owned, breed, whether or not spayed/neutered or declawed – Example: Rex, cat, 2007-current, neutered and declawed and Lady, golden retriever, 2008-current, spayed): *
Please provide a list of all animals you have previously owned in the past FIVE years (include name, when owned, breed, whether or not spayed/neutered or declawed and current status of pet – Example: Rex, cat, 2007-2019, neutered and declawed, died from kidney disease and Lady, golden retriever, 2004-2016, spayed, died from complications from diabetes): *
 Is there anything else you'd like us to add? Or do you have any questions for us?
Current vet: *
Current vet phone number: *
Previous vet, if any (include clinic name and phone number):
Current employer and phone: *
By placing or signing my name to this application, I certify that the information I have given here is true. I realize that any misrepresentation of facts may result in my losing the privilege of adopting a cat from Community Cat. I understand that Community Cat, Inc. has the right to deny my request to adopt an animal. I authorize verification of all statements in this application, and I also authorize my veterinarian to release any information requested by Community Cat, Inc.                                                                        Signature: *
Date *
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