STARS Camp 2021 Registration
Welcome! Mrs. Jahnsen and Ms. Barrus are so excited for your journey to STARdom this summer! Please register below.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Student first name *
Student last name *
Student just graduated what grade? *
Please list any siblings who will also be attending STARS Camp;
I am available to attend STARS Camp: *
For half-day students  (just graduated 2nd-5th grade), I would prefer:
T shirt size (please specify child or adult size) *
Please tell us a little about your musical self! Do you sing? Play instruments? For how many years? Have you done any plays? What role(s) and what theatre(s)? Do you have any dance experience? What are your favorite songs and shows? *9th-12th grade, feel free to submit a performance resume if you have one! If you don’t, don’t worry, we will also make one during camp. *
Parent/Responsible Party first name *
Parent/Responsible Party last name *
Responsible Party email *
Responsible Party phone number *
Tuition is $200 for Half Day students, and $300 for Full Day students. Mentorship students are on a case-by-case basis, please contact us directly in the comment section below. Tuition includes T-shirt, script, score, daily classes in singing, acting, and choreography, and participation in the end-of-camp performance (all family members attend for free). Tuition is due no later than the first day of STARS Camp and can be paid any time to @Mandi-Barrus on Venmo. You will receive a receipt to the email address listed above.
To complete registration and hold your student’s spot in STARS Camp, in addition to tuition please pay $40 registration fee to @Mandi-Barrus on Venmo. You will receive a receipt in the email you listed above. Please let us know if you have any questions in the box below. We can’t wait to see your student’s name in lights this summer!
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