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The purpose of this survey is to draw on our collective experiences to generate ideas for actions and to provide practical data and resources to help direct the focus of energy going forward.

The climate crisis intersects with racial, economic, labor, and other forms of structural injustices in both its root causes and direct effects. We particularly welcome actions, ideas, and resources that reflect that intersectionality in this survey.

Answers will be publicly visible, but not associated with your commitment signature unless you add your name again here.

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If you want your name or gallery listed with your answers to these questions, enter it again here:
Does your gallery presently engage in sustainability and resiliency practices and/or planning?
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If yes, is this led by an individual or a group, or other?
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Which of the following does the gallery presently practice? Click all that apply.
For the above areas, how are these practiced? In your opinion, what has been most successful or challenging?
In which areas do you think the gallery needs support in order to become more resilient and climate conscious?
For the above areas, what additional support is needed?
In your opinion, which areas are the most important to address regarding gallery climate impact?
What resources do you know about that you can share? Include resources directly addressing climate as well as other forms of injustice.
Link(s) to resources listed, if available:
What ideas do you have for actions (individual or collective) to become more resilient? Include ideas directly addressing climate as well as other forms of injustice.
Any other comments, insight, ideas, feedback:
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