Loyola Dance Team Tryout Registration
Please fill out the following information
First Name *
Last Name *
Hometown *
State *
Please provide an email address you may be reached at *
Should be an @loyola.edu email if you are a current student or a gmail/yahoo email for new students. Please do not use a parent's email address or a HS based email address that could be deactivated after graduation.
Cell Phone Number *
Fall Classification: *
High School Attended *
Were you on your high school's dance team? *
Dance Studio(s) Attended *
If you did not dance at a studio in high school, please put "N/A"
How many total years of dance experience do you have?
Șterge selecția
Do you have prior experience in the following styles of dance? Please indicate how many years of experience you have for each style: (select all that apply) *
1 year or less
2-4 years
4-6 years
6-8 years
8-10+ years
I have never done this style before
Hip Hop
Is there any additional information about your dance background that you’d like us to know? *
Use this section to let us know if you were your team's captain, what outstanding awards you might have won as a soloist or a team, or if you do any dance-related activities beyond what is listed above like Irish Step, Ballroom, etc.
What is your intended major at Loyola? *
If you are a current Loyola student, are you planning to study abroad this upcoming season? If yes, please indicate which semester.
Șterge selecția
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