2022 FSPA Convention Survey
Thank you for being part of our 2022 convention, Live and in Color! Please fill out this short survey to let us know what we did well and what we might want to improve. We will ask for comments on Spring Digital contests and OTS digital feedback at a later date.
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E-mail *
Name (optional)
School (optional)
District *
I attended the FSPA state convention as a(n) *
Rate the following on a scale of 1-5. Skip the category if it does not apply.
Ease of registration prior to convention
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Registration comments
Quality of big gatherings (opening, banquet, closing)
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Big gathering comments
Convention contests: broadcast
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Convention contests: broadcast comments
Convention  contests: non-broadcast
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Convention contests: non-broadcast comments
Quality of non-contest Thursday activities (intensive sessions, college speakers, scavenger hunt, lip sync)
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Non-contest Thursday activities comments
Quality of Speaker Sessions
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Diversity of Speaker Sessions
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Session Comments
Quality of hotel (rooms and convention space)
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Hotel Comments
Overall quality of convention
It wasn't good at all
It was so awesome!
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Anything else we need to know about your convention experience?
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