Swim Lesson Registration
Address: 19378 Bluebell Ct Nampa, ID 83687
Contact us 208-475-3348 or 208-371-7430 or shannon@tuftfamilyswimmers.com
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Parent/Guardian Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Swimmer Name and Birthdate *
Swimmer Name and Birthdate
Swimmer Name and Birthdate
Swimmer Name and Birthdate
Does your child have any medical conditions (mental or physical) or medications we should be aware of including, but not limited to: *
Medical Authorization: I fully undertand that the staff of Tuft Family Swimmers and not physicians or medical practitioners of any kind, with that in mind, I hereby release Tuft Family Swimmers to render first aid to my child in the event of injury or illness, and if deemed necessary to call an ambulance which I agree to pay for. As a parent or legal guardian, I agree to provide health insurance for the minor child and/or guarantee payment of any medical expenses incurred as a result of training, performing, or participation in activities with Tuft Family Swimmers. 
Name printed below is signature
In consideration of allowing the minor student(s) to enroll in swimming lessons at 19378 Bluebell Ct, Nampa, ID, and the use of the premises and property owned by Rob and Shannon Tuft, the undersigned being the legal and acting guardian of the student, acting for themselves and on behalf of the student, release and hold harmless the Owners, their family, employees and agents of and from any and all liability claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the student and/or the underigned, or any property of the student and/or the undersigned, while in, on or upon the premises upon which the lessons are conducted, or en route to or from any of said premises. 
The undersigned, being duly aware of the risks and hazards inherent upon participation in swimming lessons and related activities acting for themselves and the student, hereby elect to enter said premises, knowing their present condition and knowing that said condition may become more hazardous during the time that the student or the undersigned is upon said premises and assume all risks of loss, damage or injury, including death, which may be sustained.
The undersigned agree the existence of insurance carried by the Owners shall not change, alter or increase the liability of the Owners or affect the terms of this Release.
The Release shall be binding upon the distributes, heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators of the student and each of the undersigned.
In signing this release, the undersigned as "legal guardians" are in fact the true legal guardians of the student, are over the age of 21 years and of sound mind, and have signed this Release with the knowledge and consent of the student, understand this Release relates to all claims of the student and the undersigned.
Name printed below is a signature
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