Cornell iGEM App User Feedback - Design
This is a survey for gaining feedback on the design of Cornell iGEM's MicroMurals App. The MicroMurals App is intended to provide users with easy access to viewing and submitting art designs that will be 3D printed using our very own bioprinter! The app will function similar to Instagram, in which there is a homepage, live feed page, submission (post) page, and a gallery page. As we are still in the design process of the app, if you could please take a minute or two to fill out this survey, it would be extremely helpful in ensuring that our app is user friendly and visually appealing for everyone. Thank you in advance!
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What gender do you identify as? *
What is your age range? *
What College/University are you affiliated with? *
What is your major/title at said University? *
What words would you use to describe this design of the title page?
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Do you find this page useful?
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Do you find this page useful?
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What do you think of this layout for the gallery page?
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What do you think of this design for the home page?
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What are your thoughts on this live feed page?
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What are your thoughts on this design submission page?
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What do you think about the way features and information were presented?
On a scale from 1 to 5,  rank how clear and straightforward the design and layout is.
not clear at all
very clear
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Please provide some general feedback on our app design!
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