College Now - Counselor/Teacher Recommendation Form
The student below is applying for the MDUSD College Now program at Diablo Valley College next semester.  Students enrolled in this program, juniors and seniors from MDUSD, will attend DVC, while taking high school level English, Social Science, and AVID classes.  They complete their schedule with college courses.  Your responses are valuable in helping the MDUSD College Now staff to identify which students will benefit from and succeed in the program.
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Student's Name
First and last name
Student MDUSD #
Current High School
Year in School
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Recommending Counselor/Teacher Name & Subject:
How long have you known the applicant?
Teacher/Counselor Signature
Below are characteristics that are typical of students for whom the program was designed. Please check any characteristics that you recognize in this student:
Please elaborate on any or all of the characteristics marked above:
Please evaluate the student's current performance for each category:
Classroom Attitude
Class Work
Potential for success in college environment (with support)
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Elaborate on any or all of the above categories:
NOTE:  The student may have the opportunity to see this report.  Should you have any questions or wish to speak to a College Now staff member, please call the MDUSD College Now office at 925-969-2524.
The MDUSD College Now selection committee appreciates your time and effort.
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