MCGSO Student Research Day 2024 Judges Volunteer Form
This form is for all GUMC Faculty, Staff, and Postdocs who would like to volunteer to offer constructive feedback on students' data presentations at MCGSO's Student Research Day on Wednesday, October 16th

A maximum of 10 students will give 10 minute oral presentations from 2PM-4PM in Harvey Amphitheater North. Poster presentations will take place 4:15-6:00pm in the Preclinical Science Building. We ask that anyone judging poster presentations be willing to judge at least 2 posters to ensure all presenters are fairly assessed.

We ask that judges interested in offering feedback to several students be able to participate in at least one of the presentation sessions and fill out a score card (Judging forms will be provided).
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Your Name
Your Email
Your Position at Georgetown University
Your Department
Are you available from 2- 4 PM to judge in-person oral presentations?
Is there a maximum number of students to whom you would be willing to offer constructive feedback? (Maximum of 10 presenters)
Are you available from 4:15-6:00pm to help judge the in-person poster presentations?
Would you be able to attend the in-person Reception after the poster presentation?
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