What is the Bible?
Fill in this reflection form after you watch the video, "What is the Bible" from the Bible Project.
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Have you ever read much of the Bible? *
What does the word 'Bible' stand for? *
The Bible is a book that explores some of life's most complex issues?  Like what? *
What does the TaNaK stand for?  T - N - K [In English if you like.] *
Who did the Israelite's believed spoke through Scripture? *
What is the Epic story found in the Hebrew Bible [Old Testament]? *
Who does the Bible say Jesus was? *
What does 'Gospel' mean? *
Do you think God could still speak to people like us even today through the Bible?  Why/Why not? *
If you would like some feedback/discussion on you reflections - please add your email address, and any other details you are happy to share with us. [Name, phone, etc]
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