Trademark Registration
A Trademark generally refers to a “brand” or “logo”. Trademark registration can also be obtained for a business name, distinctive taglines, or captions.

Procedure to obtain a TM Registration: -
(1) Preliminary, a Trademark search is conducted by us at the official government website for your brand name and if the mark is clear, then the Applicant can proceed with the registration of the mark.
(2) The preliminary registration number is obtained within 3-4 days. After the number is obtained, the Applicant can use the "TM" symbol for their brand.
(3) If no departmental objections are received within 6-8 months, the Trademark Certificate is obtained which would be valid for a period of 10 years.
(4) If departmental objections are received, we would promptly attend each objectional hearing at the MUMBAI TM OFFICE, the corresponding fees for which would be additional.
(5) After the departmental objections, if any 3rd party opposition is received, we would promptly reply to each opposition and if required, we would also attend court proceedings. The corresponding fees for 3rd party oppositions and court proceedings would be additional to the basic registration fees.

Feel free to contact us on +91-9993379134 or for any further queries.
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