Join Kami's Beta Testing Program
Thank you for showing interest in become a Kami beta tester!

Please set aside 5 minutes to complete this form. A Kami team member will be in touch once a feature is ready for testing or if you fit the criteria required for testing.
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Email address *
Please provide a the email address associated with your Kami account
First name *
Last name *
School name *
District name *
Country *
US State
Please leave this question blank if you do not reside in the United States.
Role *
You may choose other if none of the roles below apply to you.
Which Kami Program are you a member of? *
Subject *
Choose the subject(s) you are currently teaching in your current role. You can choose multiple fields.
Which LMS do you use with Kami *
Are you signing up as an individual user or on behalf of your school or district? *
Name of your Technology Director (Optional)
Please only fill this out if you had selected School or District in the question above
Email of School or District's Technology Director (Optional)
Please only fill this out if you had selected School or District in the question above
Which features would you like to beta test once they're available? *
Would you like to beta test the new Kami Add-on for Google Classroom, which helps you easily create Kami assignments, enable assessment mode, and access Class View and Kami Questions? 
Requirements: Google Workspace Education Plus or Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
Please specify the number of teachers who will be included in the beta test list *
Please specify the number of students who will be included in the beta test list
How would you like to test and provide feedback to our team? *
Live video call is when we'll jump on a video call with you and observe how user-friendly the tool or feature is as you interact with it. We'll be asking to a few questions and you'll get to provide feedback on the spot. These usually run for 30-45 minutes. 

We can also get you to test it by yourself (in your own time) and fill out a survey form. We'll ask give you a number of tasks to complete before sharing your feedback through the form. 
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