2026 Master Gardener Training Program Interest Form
Aloha, thank you for your interest in the 2026 East Hawaii Master Gardener training program, please fill out this form. In the Fall/Winter of 2025 you will be contacted by the Master Gardener Coordinator to fill out a full application and interview to become a trainee. Trainings are held February to May of each year. 
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Email *
What is your full name? *
What's is your contact information? (Phone and email) (Email is required for communication in the Master Gardener Organization) *
Please write a little bit about yourself, your interest, and your ability to take the classes and volunteer during weekdays. Lectures are held on Fridays from 9am-12pm with a one-hour lab following the lecture.  *
What volunteer experience do you have, if none, do you have a desire to volunteer with the program following the training? 
Do you have access to a computer and internet and are you internet competent?
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