Create & Discover Class Booking
Hello! Thank you for your interest in Create & Discover's Classes
Our classes change month to month to accommodating the everchanging themes of the year.
We also offer custom classes if you want to choose your own theme

Have any questions, comments, concerns? Reach out to us on Facebook @Create&Discover
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Full Name

Phone Number *
Email *
How often do you want the class?

One time class - $100/class
Monthly class - $90/class
Weekly class - $85/class
Choose a theme for your first class below: 

Currently showing: May Classes!
*Our classes are ever changing and will be updated periodically.* 

Please note - we come to you! You must provide the venue for classes. 
Looking for a custom themed class? 
Please provide as much detail as you can below

Disclaimer: Prices for custom class may vary
What is your preferred date?

DISCLAIMER: This is not a confirmed date, we will text/email you for more details within 3-5 business days. 
What is your preferred time? *
Where will the class be hosted? 

*Please include full address -- any location outside of Brevard County will have a $10/class Fee*
What event type is this class for?
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Any questions, comments, concerns regarding this event?
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