2023 Rainbow Games Registration
Presented by Windsor Rainbow Sports Club
Please use this form to complete your registration.

Please note that the games are all-gender and 18+ only.
It will be more competitive in nature than our regular seasons (scores recorded & standings)

Bus passes with Transit Windsor for 5 one-way local trips (2 round trips) available upon request.

Time: 10am-6pm 
Dates: June 10 & 11
Location: Diamond in the East End of Windsor, ON (disclosed upon submission of registration)

Will be sent before the start of the games. 
There will be a brief rules session (10 mins) before each game.

$20 per player

6 Games Guaranteed

You can pay by e-transfer to windsorrainbowsportsclub@gmail.com at any time or cash the morning of.

If any of these fees are not affordable to you, please send us an email at windsorrainbowsportsclub@gmail.com and let us know.
No one turned away for lack of funds. No questions asked or reasons needed.

This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada. 

Name (the name you want to be called) *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
Email address *
Phone number

For Bolt's ease, please format as 555-555-5555
As snacks will be available and people will be bringing lunches, is there any food that you cannot be exposed to?

We will share a general anonymous list of items that are not allowed to be brought to the games.
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