Let us know your thoughts for new devices, carrier boards, and peripherals for Jetson Orin series
Thanks for participating this survey to let us better know your concerns and needs for carrier boards and peripherals needs for Jetson AGX Orin and Orin NX platform. Appreciated a lot for your time help us develop and improve!  

As we got inquiries asking about following plans of Seeed’s new devices, carrier boards, and peripherals for NVIDIA Jetson Orin series. YES! Of course they are all in our plans! Besides reServer series, we need to hear more of your voice!

With leap forward AI performance, we are looking forward to seeing Jetson AGX Orin and Orin NX are ready embedded into next-gen autonomous machines, robotics, or drones working for retail, manufacturing, transportation, AgTech, smart city, aerospace, etc.

If you have any questions for orders, customization, and partnership, please feel free to contact us at edgeai@seeed.cc.
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Email *
Name *
Company / Organization *
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Job Title *
Region / Country *
Have you already applied Jetson platform products for your current solution? *
Are you planning using Jetson AGX Orin or Orin NX in the future? *
What industries are you applying with Jetson platform? *
What software tools and AI frameworks are you using now? *
What size/form factor do you need for carrier boards? *
How many onboard CSI camera interfaces do you need? *
How many USB 2.0 Ports do you need? *
How many USB 3.1 Ports do you need? *
How many USB 3.2 Ports do you need? *
How many GbE Ports do you need? *
How many on-board 10 GbE Port do you need? *
Please choose extra storage solutions if you need.
What I/O interfaces do you need?
What expansion buses do you need?
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What power requirement do you need?
What peripherals do you need for Jetson Orin? *
Would you like to share with us your use case? If yes, please briefly describe your AI solution based on NVIDIA Jetson. Hope to explore collaboration with you!
Other requirement or suggestions? Please let us know!
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