Kim McDougall - Audio Team Interest
Interested in joining Kim’s Audio’s Team?

In order to be considered:

-You need to have read all the current books in the series. These are available on Kindle Unlimited for free, if you need to catch up. 

-You must be a member of Kim’s Reader Group at

What do you do if you get a spot on the team:

-Listen to the audio and provide an honest review on Audible, Spotify, Kobo, Apple and/or Goodreads on the release day (or as close to release day as possible)

-Help promote releases/sales through sharing on Facebook, Instagram or other social media.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Full Name:  *
Your email:  *
Are you a blogger/instagrammer/tiktoker?
If yes, what is your IG/TikTok handle and/or blog URL:
Goodreads Profile URL:
Do you have a Spotify account? 
(a free account is fine)
Have you listened to the first 5 books of the  Valkyrie Bestiary Series? (All books are available to read on KU) *
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