Registration Form: Fort Collins Emergency Child Care Ages 5-13
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County in coordination with the Larimer County Health Department is providing emergency child care for healthcare staff, first responders and those deemed as essential employees.  These sites are for youth between the ages of 5-13 years old (5 years old youth must be in at least Kindergarten to attend).  The operating hours for emergency sites are Monday-Friday 7am-6pm; emergency sites will only operate through May 22nd, after which clubs must close to prepare for summer.

There are several precautionary measures that will be taking place at this site to help ensure safety:

1. Children are in groups of 10 or less throughout the day
2. Children will be required to wash their hands several times throughout the day and practice social distancing
3. Children’s belongings stay in one isolated area all day
4. Common areas are cleaned/disinfected throughout the day

If your child is sick, please DO NOT send them to this site. Any child who is or becomes sick will be sent home immediately and will not be permitted to return unless they have clearance from a health professional. Please send your child with a lunch, snack, and water bottle.

Club Location: 1608 Lancer Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80521

Club Hours: 7:00am - 6:00pm, Monday through Friday

Club Contact Info:  (970) 484-5198

Upon receiving this form, a member of our team will be in touch with you within 24 hours to let you know if this site has capacity or not. Please note, spots are limited and will be given on a first come, first serve basis.

Daily Cost: $40 per child, per day, scholarships are available. The Colorado Emergency Childcare Collaborative will pay your child care costs in-full if you qualify, Additionally, some employers are helping to cover this cost, please check with your HR Department. If you need assistance please call 970-372-2976.
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Please list your Employer and Profession *
Parent Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent Email Address *
Home Address *
Secondary Contact Name and Phone Number *
Did you apply for assistance through the Colorado Emergency Childcare Collaborative?
Batalkan pilihan
Days per week requiring child care *
Wajib diisi
Start date requiring child care *
Expected drop-off time *
Expected pick up time *
First Child's Name? *
First Child's Age *
Second Child's Name
Second Child's Age
Third Child's Name
Third Child's Age
If cost will affect your ability to use the emergency child care sites, would you like to know more about potential scholarships?
Batalkan pilihan
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