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Soul Purpose & Spiritual Life Coaching - Intake Form
This is an intake form for Soul Purpose & Spiritual Life Coaching with Amelie Saling.
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* Indicates required question
What's your name?
Your answer
What's your email-adress?
Your answer
When's your birthday?
Where did you first hear about me?
Your answer
Why do you want to work with me?
Your answer
What is/ are your goal(s) for this Soul Purpose & Spiritual Life Coaching container?
Your answer
What's your desired timeframe?
4-8 weeks
8-16 weeks
16 - 24 weeks
Where do you see yourself two years from now?
Your answer
Have you ever gone to coaching, therapy, been consulted or anything similar? If so, which? And what was your experience like?
Your answer
Which time zone do you live in / are you planning on being in when having our sessions?
Your answer
What's your budget for this Coaching container?
up to 500 Euros
500 - 1000 Euros
1000 - 2000 Euros
over 2000 Euros
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
Your answer
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