Soul Purpose & Spiritual Life Coaching - Intake Form 
This is an intake form for Soul Purpose & Spiritual Life Coaching with Amelie Saling.

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Hinweis: Für ein Bewerbungsformular auf Deutsch, klicke bitte hier.
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What's your name? *
What's your email-adress? *
When's your birthday?
Where did you first hear about me? *
Why do you want to work with me? *
What is/ are your goal(s) for this Soul Purpose & Spiritual Life Coaching container? *
What's your desired timeframe?  *
Where do you see yourself two years from now?  *
Have you ever gone to coaching, therapy, been consulted or anything similar? If so, which? And what was your experience like?
Which time zone do you live in / are you planning on being in when having our sessions?
What's your budget for this Coaching container? *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
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