Personal Coaching with Rachel Application 
I am so glad you're reaching out to work together on your health! 

God has taught me that fighting for this temple He gets to reside in is hard work, worthy work and that He wants to be a part of it every single day!  My job as your personal coach is to: 

  1. Help you set specific and achievable goals for your health. 
  2. Help you come up with a plan you can confidently execute in small steps. 
  3. Hold you accountable. 
  4. Create resources that teach you how to make healthy your new normal! 
Please fill out this application for 1:1 coaching, and I will reach out to you for a personal discovery call to help us get started and share options! 

I am praying God guides this process and creates a holy hunger in you as you seek to life a healthier life for the LONG TERM!  

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:1-2

Speak soon! 
Rachel Mitchell 
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Email *
First Name  *
Last Name  *
Email (please double check this) *
IG handle *
How did you hear about me?  *
What areas of wellness would you like to focus on most over the next few months? (please choose your three main ones)  *
Describe how active you are each day *
What type of exercise have you done in the past that worked and/or you enjoyed?  *
How old are you?  *
How tall are you?  *
What is your current weight?  *
What is your goal weight?  *
What does a typical day of eating look like for you right now?  (Please be specific and don't be afraid to share everything. THis is our starting point)  *
What aspects of coaching are you most interested in right now? Check all that apply *
On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to investing in yourself and following the plan I create for you and weekly accountability meetings?  *
Not Committed Right Now
Extremely Committed and Will Not Quit On MYself
What questions do you have for me?  *
By checking this box, I give Rachel Mitchell permission to email me information about products, services, and promotions. *
What Happens Next! 
  1. Text me at (662) 212-3898 and let me know you've completed this application! 
  2. I will reach out with an email (look for in your inbox) to set up a discovery call. 
  3. We will choose a plan and process that matches your goals.  
Rachel Mitchell 
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