支持「活現」在「疫」境中與您同行             Support Presence to Walk Alongside You in the Pandemic
在 2020年9月-12月期間捐獻,將獲贈精心挑選的「活現」產品

Your generous donations enable our diverse online multi-media educational programs.  
Donation received between Sept – Dec,2020 will be gifted with a Presence product.
Together, WE Protect the Community & Families!

1. 請選擇您的捐獻形式 Please choose your contribution type: *
2. 選擇每月捐獻者, 請選擇捐獻的款項 (注意: 這將會是每月捐獻的承諾。若需要更改或取消,請電郵至 info@presencequotient.org 通知我們。For Monthly Donation, please choose your donation amount:  (Please note that this will be an ongoing monthly donation.  If you would like to change or cancel it, please email Presence at info@presencequotient.org. )
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3. 選擇一次捐獻者, 請選擇捐獻的款項 For One-Time Donation, please choose your donation amount:
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4. 請選擇您的贈品 (若您的捐款低於 $120 或每月少於 $10, 您仍然會收到我們的免費贈品,但並不列在下面的贈品單內)Please choose your thank you gift(s):  (*If your donation is below $120 one-time or $10 monthly, you will still receive a freebie from us, but not the gifts listed below) *
5. 您願意在以下那些社交平台收到我們的最新資訊?  Would you like to receive our latest information through the following social media platforms? Please check all that apply.
6. 您首選的語言是什麼?What is your preferred language?
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7. 姓 Last Name: *
8. 名 First Name: *
9. 門號及街道 House # and Street: *
10. 城市 City: *
11. 州 State: *
12. 郵政編碼 Zip Code: *
13. 國家 Country: *
14. 電郵地址 Email address: *
15. 手機號碼 Mobile phone: *
16. 付款方式 Payment Options: *
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